With us you can safely sell your items on consignment. When selling, the money will be deposited within the week. We accept new, pre-owned and vintage pieces for women and men, including luxury designer handbags, accessories, shoes and clothing in very good to new condition. We only accept 100% authentic luxury, our luxury expert will check this. After that we decide together the best selling price. Once the Items are checked and priced, we will photograph and put it for sale online, in store and on social media. We do all the work!

Visit our store

Visit our store in Knokke and bring the items you would like to sell.After the authenticity and condition check, we will determine the selling price together.

We come to you

No time to stop by? Is our store in Knokke too far? No problem! We will gladly pick up your stuff within the Benelux. Contact us by email or phone to make further arrangements. 

Send your items

Send us your preloved items for free! Contact us by phone or e-mail, box up your items, request your shipping label, stick it onto the box & drop it off at a Bpost point close to you.